Intersection Types

Intersection Types

Intersection is formed from the intersection of more than one road in highways. There are several types of intersections according to the intersection structure. Main intersection types are controlled intersection, uncontrolled intersections, roundabout intersections, signalized intersections, bridge crossing, Four or three Branches Intersections (T type or Y Type).

Uncontrolled intersections are intersections where each road at the junction has same property and there are no traffic signs and signals. The right of way is always confused by drivers in these types of intersections. Oncoming vehicles going straight ahead has the right of way in uncontrolled intersections. Drivers should give way the vehicles on their right.

In controlled intersections the right of way is clearly indicated by traffic signs. These types of intersections can be mostly found at the main road and secondary road intersections. The right of way is always belonging to the driver who is coming from the main road. The drivers are warned by traffic signs. Roundabout intersections are an unsignalized intersections determined by traffic signs and where the driver in the roundabout has the right of way.

In signalized intersections traffic rules are determined by traffic lights. In this intersection, drivers do not confuse about right of way. The flow of traffic regulated by traffic signals. Today, roads are controlled by speed violation detection systems. These systems make the drivers more careful about obeying the rules. Signalized intersections are the most reliable and the most common intersection types. We can see the signalized intersections especially in city centers where the traffic is crowded.

Bridge crossings are preferred mostly in express ways or in wide lane roads. The main reason of preferring the bridge crossing Speed limit is higher than urban roads. So, it is used to not stop the traffic flow and prevent the heavy traffic in crossing points. At these points, there is no right of way, traffic rules are determined by traffic signs according to the circumstances of the intersection.

The aim of the intersections is providing safety passage to drivers and pedestrians. In order to minimize the traffic accidents, it is necessary to recognize traffic signs and signals. 


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