What is Electronic Enforcement System?

What is Electronic Enforcement System?

EES (Electronic Enforcement System) is an enforcement system developed to control traffic flow, improve the transportation, provide a structure of urban life in accordance with the rules and standards, prevent accidents caused by vehicles that violate the rules in traffic and ensuring the safety of life and property. “Why is EES required?” we can answer the question as follows:

Preventing the accidents, ensuring the life and property, ensures that drivers comply with traffic rules, enables real-time viewing and monitoring of traffic status, obtaining valuable traffic data.

TSE standards for EES is determined as TS 13788 (Average Speed Measurement Equipment) and TS 13789 (Red Light Violation Detection Equipment)

EES is using different systems for many different applications. These are:

  1. Red Light Violation Detection System: It is used to detect drivers who have violated red light at signalized intersections. General specifications are as follows: Lane based red light violation detection, license plate recognition, 24/7 red light violation detection, remote access, automatic stand by in case of a failure of the traffic signal, to shut down the system when the traffic police manage the intersection, high definition video recording, automatic fine billing.
  1. Corridor Speed Violation Detection System (Average Speed Violation Detection System): It is not only detecting the speed at one point but also systems for detecting the average speed of travel. The average speed is calculated by means of the speed measurement devices placed at the entrance and exit of the road and it is determined whether there is a speed violation. General specifications are intervening remotely, 24/7 speed violation detection, license plate recognition, taking a photo and video recording.
  1. Parking Violation Detection System: They are usually used to detect vehicles that violate the parking in the city and cause traffic problems at the points where parking is forbidden. General specifications are as follows: It can detect a violation in the area within a radius of 75 meters, automatic license plate recognition, remote access, violation detection at 32 preset points, high definition video recording, automatic fine billing, fast installation, able to change the duration of parking time for parking fines.
  1. Emergency Lane Violation Detection System: It is the system used to detect vehicles that violate the emergency lane. Especially used to detect vehicles that prevent the passage of ambulances. General specifications are; automatic license plate recognition, remote access, integrated IR LED Module, high definition video recording, automatic fine billing, fast installation.

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